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We've Come a Long, Long Way Together -

As of today, Rebekah and I have been married for 6 months. Evidently, today's our "6 month anniversary." I'm not really sure how "anniversary" works symantically, so I won't even question its use to describe an event that happens every 1/2 a year. Anyway, we're going to Branson, Missouri this weekend. It should be fun.

I was a little bit wrong about my feelings toward Apple's new stuff. I was really impressed by the G5, at least from what I've seen and heard so far. The specs look great (consider that I'm still using an Athlon 850 here; 2GHz anything sounds sweet to me). I also liked the internal design of it. At least from the pictures, its innards look more tidy than those of most PCs.

Apple -

I'm pretty sure that Apple's WWDC is taking place today. If not, I'm sitting around full of anticipation for no reason. Rumors say that Apple will reveal a new G5 computer, which will use IBM's PPC 970 processor. Unfortunatly, I'm sure it's all still too expenive for me, so I'm not incredibly interested in their new hardware offerings. I am, however, pretty excited to see what's going to be in Mac OS X Panther. Hopefully I'll find out soon!
Hilite, Highlite, Hilight, or Highlight? -

I will never again spell out "highlighting" in a programming project. I've been working on a small Java program that will do will syntax highlighting. So far, I've gotten it to successfully highlight keywords as you type into a JTextPane, as you can see from the screenshot below. It works even if you start typing in the middle of a word or start deleting characters!

Screenshot of Syntax Highlighting

I had forgotten how much of a pain Java can be sometimes. Sun felt the need to make everything an abstraction. Every time I try to do anything interesitng with Java, I have to learn about 4 or 5 classes before I can even start working on anything.
Where Do I Begin? -

Between the time of my last post and this one, I've thought of a million things I want to talk about. I can't remember any of them. At the moment, my life is very uneventful. I get up, I go to work, I come home and play Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, I spend time with my wife, and I go to bed. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I am trying to work on about four hundred projects at once. One of the most interesting ones is a content management system, similar to FogCreek's CityDesk. I like the idea of a client-side content management system. You start a native Windows (or other OS) application, create some content, hit "Publish" and you're done. I just wish CityDesk were a little more flexible. It is somewhat hard-coded to use an "article" publishing system. If you want to publish different types of content, it is still possible with CityDesk, but your solution isn't going to be all that elegant. It would be nice if CityDesk supported more types of content without any work-arounds. Also, CityDesk uses a scripting language, dubbed "CityScript", to pull the content from a database and push it into a web page. My proposed content management system uses PHP to do this. PHP would be nice because it's fairly standard, it's flexible, and it would allow the user to scale up by putting the PHP directly on a web server. Also, it might be interesting to build a web server module that could interpret CityScript so CityDesk users could scale up as well. Perhaps that's something else I'll look in to.

I suppose I should probably go to bed now. I do have a lot of GTA to play tomorrow.
Sign my poodle, s'il vous plait. -

Weird Al has a new album and it's really funny. Well, I hope you all enjoy the return of my site. It's got that horizontal-scan-line look that's all the rage.
Flip-Flop -

Every day I sit by my window and hear the sound of flip-flops (not the electronic ones) hitting the pavement. The pleasures of living next to MCC's dorms are simply overwhelming.

My Lucky Ball and Chain -

Rebekah and I got married!