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mathKernel jump to:  mathLab  |  home 

mathKernel is quite simply a math kernel. That sounds sort of obvious, but that's what it does. It's a small amount of code that implements expression handling, variables, functions, and much more. It started out as a little experiment by Aaron Riekenberg and I in QBASIC that ended up being restarted in C++. It got expanded and re-written in many times, and this is what we have today. It needs to be revamped again so it can do it's job even more efficiently and so we can add more features to it more easily.

Here is a screen shot of the mathKernel in action:

Feel free to download the current version of the mathKernel to play with, but please don't send in any bug reports. This version isn't mature enough to be fine-tuning with bug elimination.
Download mathKernel (Win32 Console) 0.4

mathLab jump to:  top  |  home 

mathLab (a temporary name, like that of mathKernel), is simply the Win32 interface to the mathKernel. It's really limited right now, not only by mathKernel's limitations, but it's own GUI-based limitations. I plan to eventually add graphing features and many other interesting features to this program.

Here's a screen shot taken of mathLab:

Although the current state of mathLab is rather poor, you can still download it to play with it if you want.
Download mathLab 0.4